Sedation Dentistry: Advantages and Disadvantages of Nitrous Oxide

Sedation Dentistry: Advantages and Disadvantages of Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide, otherwise known as laughing or happy gas, is a colorless and odorless gas that you inhale through your nose. The effects of nitrous oxide are a relaxed feeling and diminished pain, making it an ideal sedation option for many dental procedures. Advantages of sedation utilizing nitrous oxide include:

  • The effects of nitrous oxide make their way to the brain in mere seconds, and the pain relieving properties develop in just minutes.
  • Your sedation dentist can alter the level of sedation during treatment.
  • Nitrous oxide can be administered for the exact amount of time it is needed to complete the procedure.
  • Nitrous oxide has no negative after-effects because it is eliminated from the body within five minutes after the sedation is stopped.
  • Your sedation dentist has complete control and is able to give incremental doses of nitrous oxide, eliminating the risk of accidentally overdosing.
  • No injection is required, making nitrous oxide a very attractive option for patients with a fear of needles.
  • The relaxing effects of sedation with nitrous oxide is known to eliminate or reduce gagging.
  • Sedation with nitrous oxide is considered very safe and has no negative effects on other organs of the body.

There are a few potential disadvantages of sedation with nitrous oxide, including:

  • Some patients may not achieve the desired level of sedation with the maximum   amounts of nitrous oxide allowed.
  • Patients who are mouth breathers, have claustrophobia, or have difficulty breathing through their nose may not be good candidates for nitrous oxide.
  • If you are prone to nausea or a sensitive stomach, nitrous oxide may not be a good option.

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Risks Associated with Sedation Dentistry

Risks Associated with Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry is often hailed as a solution to all of a patient’s problems regarding dental therapies. It can address anxiety, fear, stress and pain. It can provide a comfortable experience for the dental patient, allowing the dental professional to work safely and quickly. As with any pharmacological agent, there are risks, and before you agree to any sedation dentistry option, it is smart to educate yourself about some of those risks.

While single doses of oral sedatives such as Valium or Halcion are unlikely to harm a patient, there are concerns regarding multiple doses of these drugs that could potentially cause a patient to be overly sedated, or even completely unconscious. Because each patient has a different metabolism, drugs can take between twenty minutes and an hour to become fully effective.

These time-delay issues are not problematic for inhaled sedation or for IV sedation, as these types of sedation dentistry are effective almost instantaneously. For oral sedation, however, a dentist who administers more than one pill could cause an overdose if the medicine kicks in at the same time. Most dentists lack both the equipment and the training to effectively and quickly address an overdose in a patient who is unconscious.

In 2000, a group known as the Dental Organization for Conscious Sedation was launched. Its purpose is to train dentists on sedation dentistry methods such as how to properly monitor a patient during a dental procedure to ensure that their heart rates and oxygen levels are healthy. Despite this, there are still concerns about adverse effects of adults with oral conscious sedation. There have been no reported adult deaths from overdosing; however, some children have died from oral sedation, leading to the practice being recommended only for adults.

If you are about to undergo a prolonged dental procedure, or if you are considering sedation dentistry to address personal anxiety or a dental phobia, look for a dentist who has received training in sedation dentistry and has high levels of experience to ensure that your procedure is as safe and comfortable as possible.

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Dental Fears Relieved with Sedation Dentistry

Dental Fears Relieved with Sedation Dentistry

Severe dental phobia can cause people to completely avoid dental examinations and treatments. Anxiety about dental treatment can develop for many reasons, including fear of pain, the feeling of not having control, fear of needles, a strong gag reflex, or a history of bad dental experiences. If you suffer from extreme dental fears causing you to neglect necessary oral care, sedation dentistry may be the answer to your problem.

A trained sedation dentist can offer a variety of options to address your situation:

  • Minimal sedation in the form of nitrous oxide allows you to be awake but relaxed during dental treatment and may be a good option for cleanings, routine examinations, or minor procedures. Your dentist is able to control the amount of sedation you receive.
  • Oral conscious sedation also allows you to remain awake during procedures, but may cause you to feel drowsy and will keep you from having much memory of the treatment. A stronger dose can be given to produce more moderate sedation, in which case you may fall asleep but can easily be awakened.
  • IV sedation is when a sedative drug is administered through a vein. This type of sedation works rapidly and also allows your dental professional to adjust the level of sedation during treatment.
  • General anesthesia provides deep sedation through medications administered that cause nearly complete or total unconsciousness. With general anesthesia you cannot be awakened until the effects of the drugs have dissipated.

Sedation dentistry can be used for any type of dental procedure, from routine cleanings to more complicated, invasive procedures. Thanks to advances in sedation dentistry, you no longer have to fear the dentist and avoid necessary oral health care.

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Understanding Sedation Dentistry

Understanding Sedation Dentistry

Any type of phobia can be a difficult and often frightening condition, but fear of the dentist can be one of the worst because it can ultimately even be deadly. Proper dental care is vital to a healthy mouth and body. People who neglect going to the dentist for treatment are putting their health at risk, but sedation dentistry offers them a way to get the care they need to maintain better health.

Dental sedation involves administering certain types of drugs, from mild to stronger medications, to help a patient relax. The effects of the drugs decrease anxiety and awareness of the specifics related to treatment, so that procedures can be performed without upsetting the patient. Pain is also diminished so that the patient is comfortable during the dental visit.

Sedation methods vary according to the patient and the treatment. The medication may be given as pills that are swallowed orally, nitrous oxide gas that is inhaled through a mask, or medication given intravenously directly into the vein. Often, local anesthetics might still be required but the patient is already under the effects of sedation and does not feel the injection.

There are a number of benefits provided be sedation dentistry. Patients who otherwise might avoid checkups are able to get preventative care and procedures done without anxiety. They usually don’t remember what happened during treatment, so they come away without negative memories. Patients are also able to sit still during treatment, and for longer periods of time so that multiple procedures may be performed if needed. Lengthy or complex procedures are made possible by using sedation that allows patients to cooperate and not realize how long they are in the dental chair.

Sedation dentistry is a way for patients to obtain necessary dental care without the anxiety or fear that sometimes accompanies it. This can make all the difference in improving some people’s oral and general health.

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The Advantages of Sedation Dentistry

The Advantages of Sedation Dentistry

Giving some form of a sedative medication to patients during dental treatment is what sedation dentistry is all about. It causes relaxation and decreases anxiety so that the patient is comfortable and the dentist can work safely and efficiently. Sedation dentistry is most popular for those who experience mild to moderate dental anxiety, patients who have dental phobias, and children who are frightened by dental visits.

There are a number of advantages that sedation dentistry offers to both patients and dentists. Here are some reasons that it is popular with patients:

  • Pain is diminished so that the patient hardly feels the instruments, needles, or anything else as part of the treatment.
  • Awareness is reduced so that that patient doesn’t realize exactly what is happening and doesn’t keep track of the time spent in the dental chair.
  • Anxiety is lessened so the patient feels calm and carefree while undergoing treatment that normally might cause upset.
  • Side effects are minimal and rare, making sedation dentistry both safe and effective.
  • The gag reflex is reduced so patients who might normally have problems gagging during treatment are able to undergo procedures without issues.
  • Time is saved for the patient because often all treatments can be performed in one office visit, instead of having to make several trips and miss more time from work or other activities.

Dentists enjoy benefits of sedation dentistry as well:

  • Patients are more cooperative and able to sit still during treatment, allowing dentists to get the job done with less trouble.
  • Multiple procedures can be done in a single office visit, so the dentist can accomplish more in a single time slot.
  • Reflexes of the patient are more controlled so that movement is less haphazard and the dentist can work more efficiently.

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Types of Sedation Dentistry

Types of Sedation Dentistry

In order to ensure your comfort and ease during a dental procedure, sedation dentistry is often the best option. Many levels are available, including conscious oral sedation, inhaled sedation, and intravenous (IV) sedation.
Conscious oral sedation minimizes patient anxiety while allowing the patient to remain partially alert. Oral sedatives are used to accomplish minimal to moderate sedation. They come in the form of a pill, and are often taken within an hour of your dental procedure. Some dentists recommend a mild oral sedative the night before an appointment to ease anxiety and ensure a good night’s rest.

Depending on the dosage and on the individual recipient, an oral sedative can sometimes cause the patient to “doze off,” but the patient will never be fully unconscious and will awaken with a gentle shake. Even though you are never fully asleep during conscious oral sedation dentistry, you may not drive yourself home because you will not be fully alert.

Inhaled sedation utilizes nitrous oxide, also known as “laughing gas.” This gas is inhaled through a mask while your dentist controls the amount you receive. This type of sedation allows a patient to relax and to be fully comfortable, but to still be responsive. Nitrous oxide sedation has a tendency to wear off quickly. Because of this, you may be able to drive yourself home after your procedure.

IV sedation (sometimes known as “sleep dentistry”) provides the deepest, most relaxed sedation during dental procedures. Despite the name, IV/sleep sedation does not cause you to completely lose consciousness. Because the drugs used naturally produce a full or partial memory loss while active in your system, you may not remember anything that happened during your procedure. IV sedation is the fastest of the sedation dentistry methods. The amount of sedation is controlled by your dentist. You should not drive after IV sedation, as you may not be fully alert for a period of time.

Talk to your dentist about which sedation is right for you to ensure your dental procedure goes well and that you are comfortable throughout treatment.

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