Oral Health Care for the Whole Family

Oral Health Care for the Whole Family

One thing that can make an entire family smile is good oral health. When everyone has healthy teeth and gums, there is more reason to show off those great smiles. Oral health issues can even run in families, so taking care of a problem in one person may help other family members as well by alerting them to the condition. Family dentists can benefit everyone in your household. This type of dentist treats all family members, no matter what their age is. Young children, teens, adults, and seniors are all treated in one dental practice. Family dentistry focuses on taking care of the oral health needs for everyone in the family, and offers a variety of benefits by doing so.

Establishing a healthcare relationship with a family dentist means that everyone goes to the same office for appointments. The dentist and staff get to know each person, and can provide a level of comfort knowing that everyone is receiving the same standard of care. Family dentists understand your needs and those of other family members too.

Family dentists are trained and experienced in providing care for all kinds of issues. This always includes routine dental care like cleanings, fluoride treatments, sealants, and fillings. Some family dentists also perform procedures like implants, veneers, bonding, contouring, root canal treatments, and even orthodontics. You should choose a family dentist who offers services that meet the needs of every family member.

Another thing that family dentists are skilled in is teaching patients the best ways to care for their own oral health. Children may need to be taught how to properly brush and floss, teenagers might need reminders about consistent care or maintenance with braces, and adults often require special attention for good gum health. Seniors face unique challenges related to maintaining their oral health in order to keep their natural teeth. Family dentists understand the needs of patients at each stage of life, and can provide optimum treatment for those specific challenges.

Your smile is one of your most valuable assets and your oral health should not be compromised. Finding a good family dentist is your first step in the right direction.

Take the first step towards optimal oral hygiene. Reserve your dental appointment at our Longview dental office now and experience personalized care.

Family Dentistry – The Most Convenient Choice

Family Dentistry – The Most Convenient Choice

It seems that with each passing year, our lives become more hectic, scheduled, and harried. If you have children, there are the endless school events and music lessons and sports practices. Running from here to there can leave you less time for some of the most important things, like your oral hygiene.

Have you found yourself putting off your regular dental check-up? Has it been more than a year since you saw your dentist? Are your children up-to-date with their dental visits, but you’re falling behind? This can happen, especially as we place the care of others over the care of ourselves.

By choosing a family dentistry practice, this can be a thing of the past when it comes to your teeth! A family dentist can see each member of your family, from the youngest infant to the oldest retiree. All of your dental visits occur in the same office, so you won’t be jumping in the car to go yet somewhere else, stuck in traffic and feeling overwhelmed.

With family dentistry, you can schedule your appointments to have multiple family members seen back-to-back or at the same time. This is especially of interest to families with multiple children. Imagine having three or four appointments going on at the same time, and being done after the time of a single visit! Reduce the time you spend in the waiting room with squirming or unhappy children by choosing a family dentistry practice.

Your family dentist realizes that your time is extremely important, and that each member of your family is important and valued. A family dentist knows about all of the changes your teeth undergo over time, and is sensitive to this. It’s easy to make smile goals with your family dentist, as he or she will be there from the start to the finish.

Make the choice to simplify your life. Make it easy to keep you and your entire family smiling brightly. Choose a family dentistry practice today.

Do not wait any longer. Book your appointment now and achieve the smile you have always wanted. Dr. DiStefano is accepting new patients from Longview and the surrounding area.

How is a Family Dentist Different?

How is a Family Dentist Different?

Family dentists care about you and your teeth from the moment you enter the world until the moment you leave it. They want to get to know you – and your teeth – and they have the expertise, knowledge, and skill to care for a child’s baby teeth and for his or her adult teeth. A family dentist focuses on preventative care, aiming to avoid any serious dental complications as you age.

Family dentistry offices are generally friendly, warm, and comfortable. They are specifically designed to put nervous or anxious children and adults at ease. The staff strives to build a relationship with each member of your family, offering a lifetime of dental care and advice on any issues that might arise.

A family dentist in Longview could treat more than one member of your family in a single visit. Booking more than one appointment per visit is extremely convenient, and it can save you valuable time and effort by allowing you to be seen while your spouse or child is seen in an adjacent area. Don’t drive all over town for your family’s dental needs; see a family dentist instead!

Your family dentist will provide you and your family with the necessary oral hygiene skills needed to have a lifetime of good oral health. Your family dentist will ensure that each member of your family has the latest recommendations regarding brushing, flossing, and rinsing to prevent tooth decay and plaque between appointments.

A family dentist provides all of the services a standard dentist does, such as regular dental cleanings, check-ups, and x-rays. Other preventative treatments include sealants and fluoride treatments. A family dentist is able to treat cavities with fillings or to handle gum disease. Basic cosmetic dentistry procedures like tooth whitening are also offered.

The primary difference for a family dentist is the length of time a family dentist wants to see you. A family dentist can treat you for the rest of your life, and will use the knowledge about you and your particular oral health history to make the best decisions regarding your care in any situation that might arise.

Ready to transform your smile? Schedule your appointment today at our Longview dental office.

Complete Care Through a Family Dentist

Complete Care Through a Family Dentist

Every member of your family requires and deserves good oral health care. From the youngest to the oldest, each person should visit the dentist regularly. This is where a family dentist comes into your life. Family dentists treat all ages and a wide variety of conditions, providing your whole family with the specific treatments they need to achieve healthy, winning smiles.

Not every family dentist is the same. Because it should be a long-term relationship established with your family, make sure you choose the right one who meets all of your needs. Look for a practice with convenient hours and location, a clean and comfortable setting for your care, and the credentials for all aspects of your treatment.

Family dentists are focused on the hygiene and health of your smile. This includes thorough examinations, regular cleanings, fluoride treatments, gum disease therapy, cavity diagnosis and treatment, and even orthodontics.

The great thing about family dentistry is that it addresses dental health for every stage of life. Children have different concerns than their parents and their grandparents. Skilled family dentists provide complete oral care from baby teeth to permanent teeth to restorations for seniors.

Another qualification of family dentists is to recognize and handle dental fears in patients of all ages. Children may be afraid of the unfamiliar environment and sometimes scary equipment, so family dentists are trained to ease their fears through kindness and gentleness. Many of these specialists offer distractions for young patients like videos, music and books. It’s a goal of family dentistry to help children develop a lifelong positive attitude toward dental treatment. Kids aren’t the only patients with dental anxiety though, so family dentists also are able to address fears in adults and offer ways to increase their comfort level.

No matter the ages of your family members or their oral conditions, family dentists are qualified to treat the varying needs with skill and confidence.

Take the first step towards a confident smile. Contact our Longview dental office to schedule your consultation!

Cosmetic Procedures and Family Dentistry

Cosmetic Procedures and Family Dentistry

Your family dentist can perform all of the services offered by both a pediatric and an adult dentist, only for your whole family. Some of the most popular options are cosmetic or restorative procedures, correcting such issues as discolored teeth, crooked or misaligned teeth, unsightly metal fillings, crowded or rotated teeth, short or small teeth, or missing teeth or spaces between teeth.

Family members who have had their permanent teeth fully descend are eligible candidates for many cosmetic procedures such as whitening. Have your young person consult with your family dentist before trying any at-home products; immature adult teeth can turn splotchy or the gums can become irritated if at-home whitening products are used incorrectly or for too long. Because tooth discoloration can be a sign of a more serious dental issue, it is important to talk to your family dentist before moving forward with any treatment.

Your family dentist can help you with products such as dental veneers. Don’t suffer with tooth gaps, unsightly stained teeth, or crooked or badly shaped teeth. Veneers are thin layers of tooth-colored material that are placed on top of your teeth and that can correct many mistakes in your natural smile. Veneers can be used to change the color or shape of a single tooth or to spruce up an entire smile.

Talk to your family dentist about replacing your unattractive metal fillings with tooth-colored materials. You don’t have to tolerate a silver smile when you can turn to your family dentist for all-white fillings. Your smile will be far more natural and beautiful than before.

If you are missing a tooth, or are in need of a root canal procedure, talk to your dentist about your choice of crowns and bridges. A crown can save a tooth from total decay, protecting it and giving it a longer life. A bridge can keep you able to bite and chew properly, and can help maintain the shape of your face while preventing other teeth from misaligning.

Your family dentistry practice can help you make all of the decisions you need to make regarding your and your family’s dental health and appearance.

Do you live in Longview or the surrounding area? Our team is ready to help you achieve your smile goals. Schedule your appointment today.

Convenience and Your Family Dentist

Convenience and Your Family Dentist

Life isn’t getting any slower, in fact, it seems that it’s always speeding up! This is never truer than it is for families, especially those with two or more children. Parents can feel like the local taxi service, running one child to band and another to piano and yet another to a doctor’s appointment. Finally, there’s a solution to one of the trickier issues: visiting the dentist.

In the past, parents would go to one dentist and the children would go to another. Those same children would later age out of their pediatric dentist and have to form a new relationship with a dentist who doesn’t know them at all! For young people just beginning to take responsibility for their own dental care, this can be the beginning of spotty or not-at-all visits to the dentist for checkups and cleanings. This can be the beginning of poor oral hygiene that leads to scores of adult problems.

A family dentist wants you to skip all that running around and to have your kids avoid the step of finding a new dentist. A family dentist wants to see your entire family, from the youngest baby cutting teeth to the oldest retiree looking at options for aging teeth. This type of relationship is so important. The family dentist will know the patient’s history going years and years back, and can make the best and most informed decisions based on this information.

Your family dentist will also make your family appointments in blocks. Can you imagine having each member of your family – including you – getting your checkups, cleanings and dental care done in the same day, sometimes at the very same time? This is a possibility with the convenience of a trusted family dentist.

If you’re looking to save time and to have the best possible dental care you can get for you and your family, seek out a skilled family dentist today. You won’t regret it!

Take the first step towards optimal oral hygiene. Reserve your dental appointment at our Longview dental office now and experience personalized care.