Can You Benefit from CEREC?

Can You Benefit from CEREC?

CEREC crowns are named for CEremic REConstruction. CEREC is a restorative dental treatment resulting from computer assisted design (CAD) and computer assisted manufacturing (CAM). This process was developed in the early 1980s at the University of Zurich by Dr. W.H. Mormann and Dr. M. Brandestini.

The process allows a cosmetic dentist to design, create and place computer-developed tooth restorations in one single dental appointment. With CEREC, there’s no need for a dental lab or multiple visits to the dentist. In use since the mid 1980s, CEREC is rapidly becoming the top-of-the-line choice for tooth restoration.

Because CEREC begins with a digital scan of the mouth, traditional goop-filled molds are not required. These trays are problematic for many patients, especially those with a delicate gag reflex, eliminating the possibility of retching and vomiting during the molding process.

CEREC crowns can help anyone who necessitates a dental crown to complete a root canal treatment or a dental bridge. CEREC allows a crown to be placed the same day as a root canal procedure, alleviating the need for a temporary crown. This can save a great deal of time for a busy patient, and a lot of anxiety for a fearful one.

CEREC teeth are extremely accurate. Because they were created with the help of an optical scan, they are more accurate than most teeth created by hand in a lab. This ensures proper fit and a long life for your crown.

If you have questions about whether or not you can benefit from CEREC technology, talk to your cosmetic dentist about this exciting advancement in dentistry. Find out how CEREC can improve your experience in the dental chair and in the future of your smile.

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CEREC and What it Means to You

CEREC and What it Means to You

Using a 3D camera and CAD/CAM technology, CEREC creates dental restorations in one office visit instead of multiple trips or temporary fittings. Crowns, veneers, inlays and onlays are made out of ceramic and fits perfectly to renew your smile. So what does this new technology mean to you as a patient?

No impressions

There is no need for trays filled with messy material used to make impressions of your mouth. In the past, this unpleasant process was required for creating restorations but CEREC uses a 3D camera instead. The camera scans your prepared tooth in just a few seconds and sends the data to a specialized computer to design your restoration.

No temporary fittings

Because CEREC restorations are created in a milling machine right there in your dentist’s office, the need for temporary restorations is eliminated. The machine quickly makes your fitting from a solid ceramic block, so the final product is ready to be placed in your mouth immediately instead of wearing an ill-fitting temporary while you wait for your real restoration to be developed in a dental lab.

No waiting

Only one appointment at your dentist means you don’t have to spend extensive time in the waiting room or dental chair, or driving back and forth to multiple appointments.

No metal

Made completely from ceramic, CEREC restorations do not contain any metal. They are biocompatible and tooth-colored, matched to the exact shade you and your dentist choose together, giving you the most appealing look possible in your smile.

No wearing out

CEREC restorations are durable and long-lasting. Studies show that they are at least as durable as gold restorations, which are known to have a long lifespan. Your smile can be healthy and appealing for many years to come as a result of CEREC technology.

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CEREC Explained

CEREC Explained

Ceramic Reconstruction, or CEREC, is a popular new type of dental restoration system. It uses the latest technologies to create restorations in a short time period. This process revolutionizes the way that certain restorations like dental crowns can help patients.

How does it work?

CEREC uses computer-assisted technologies, such as CAD/CAM technology and 3D imaging, to develop the restorations. A 3D image is made of the teeth and then converted using CAD software to create a model. Important data is collected in the system and shared with a milling unit, which uses the information to accurately form a restoration from a block of ceramic. The restoration can then be applied to the tooth and polished with the finishing touches.

What are the benefits?

CEREC offers a number of advantages over the traditional way of making restorations. The most obvious is that the patient’s tooth can be restored in one visit to the dentist, and there are no temporary restorations to deal with. Also, there is a very high level of accuracy so that the fitting is comfortable, secure, and attractive. CEREC technology is constantly being improved, so more and more dental restorations are possible. Currently crowns, veneers, inlays and onlays can all be created with CEREC.

Who does CEREC procedures?

Dentists specially trained and certified to use CEREC technologies are the only ones you should use for this type of restorations. The dentist must have the equipment in the office to create CEREC restorations.

We treat patients from Longview and the surrounding area

An Overview of CEREC

An Overview of CEREC

The traditional approach to getting a crown is to receive a temporary crown and then wait a few weeks for the final restoration to be fabricated so that it can be placed in a follow-up appointment. CEREC technology improves the process by allowing a crown to be created and placed in one dental visit without need for a temporary fitting.

CEREC, which stands for ceramic reconstruction, uses a CAD/CAM technology to make crowns, veneers, inlays and onlays using ceramic materials. The process involves preparing the existing tooth, taking its picture and transferring it to the 3D computer, and allowing the computer to design the implant for each particular patient. The entire process is done all the way from anesthesia, tooth preparation, impressions, fabrication, and implantation in one single office visit.

The unique thing about CEREC technology is that once the computer receives a patient’s data, the machine uses diamond burrs to mill the restoration out of porcelain right there in the dentist’s office. The crown or other type of restoration is created specifically for the patient’s mouth and then checked against the bite and against neighboring teeth for color match. Once the dentist determines that the crown fits exactly, it is polished and implanted to complete the procedure.

Some of the advantages that patients enjoy about CEREC is the significant time savings of only one trip to the dentist, as well as just one anesthesia requirement. Also, this process conserves tooth structure and may require less impact on your existing tooth. Porcelain is a strong material and looks very natural in the patient’s smile. Porcelain is also able to expand or contract quickly to allow for less discomfort when consuming cold or hot foods, and it deteriorates at a similar rate as tooth enamel. The appearance and convenience of a CEREC restoration is very appealing, making it a great choice for many patients.

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Saving Time with CEREC

Saving Time with CEREC

Dental advancements in recent years have made some treatments simpler, more convenient, and less painful than in the past. An example of one innovation is using CEREC technology for restorations like crowns, inlays and onlays. Instead of dealing with multiple appointments and temporary fittings, patients get their permanent restoration in a single trip to the dentist.

CEREC, or ceramic reconstruction, uses specialized computer technology and machinery to create restorations. A 3D imaging camera scans the tooth and provides its exact dimensions to a computer that uses CAD technology to design the restoration. Once the highly accurate design is created, the data goes to a milling machine that forms the restoration out of ceramic. In just about half an hour, the restoration is ready to be permanently installed in the patient’s mouth.

What’s the big difference with CEREC technology compared to traditional restorations? It saves a great deal of time! In the past, the complete process could take as long as a month to perform. A dentist would have to prepare the tooth, place a temporary crown while the permanent one was developed in a lab, and then the patient would need to return for another appointment for the final crown placement. So instead of this long and inconvenient process, CEREC allows the whole procedure to take place in a single office visit.

In addition to saving time, CEREC restorations also avoid wearing uncomfortable temporary fittings for any period of time. The attractive and perfectly fitted permanent restoration is immediately placed in the mouth for enjoyment right away. Its ceramic material is natural looking and very durable, and has minimal risk of dislodgement or loss.

CEREC technology allows patients to restore their smiles in one convenient trip to the dentist. Ask if your dentist provides this technology if you need any type of ceramic restoration to complete your smile.

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Are You a Candidate for CEREC?

Are You a Candidate for CEREC?

CEREC, or ceramic reconstruction, is a technologically advanced way to restore teeth that have been damaged by disease, decay, or trauma. With CEREC (Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics), a specially trained dental professional digitally scans the area of your mouth that needs treatment and then creates the restoration utilizing a milling machine right in their office. CEREC is an efficient process that saves you time and leaves you with an aesthetically appealing, well fitting, long-lasting restoration.

Any patient who needs reconstruction done to an existing tooth is a potential candidate for CEREC. The technology is used for a variety of procedures, including crowns, bridges and porcelain veneers. CEREC is especially appealing to patients who do not wish to spend extensive time in the dental chair. With traditional restorations, separate visits are required to make impressions, and then to place them once the restorations have returned from being constructed in a dental lab. With CEREC, all of these steps are completed in a single office visit, saving you time and hassle.

If you are deemed to be a candidate for ceramic reconstruction, your CEREC trained dentist will take a 3D image of your tooth to precisely determine the fit of your restoration. They will then utilize the CEREC machine to fabricate a permanent, natural-looking restoration specifically designed for your smile. These custom-milled restorations are both strong, long-lasting, and look and feel completely natural. A CEREC restoration will blend seamlessly with your existing teeth and provide outstanding comfort and function.

To determine if you are a viable candidate for ceramic restorations, consult with a CEREC trained dental professional. In just one dental visit, you can return to a healthy, beautiful smile.

We treat patients from Longview and the surrounding area