A Perfect Smile Thanks to Dental Veneers

A Perfect Smile Thanks to Dental Veneers

If your desire is to transform your smile quickly and easily, dental veneers may be the way to go. They hide cosmetic problems that range from minor issues to very noticeable ones. Veneers are customized so that they give you the exact look you want for your new beautiful smile. These restorations, often made of porcelain, offer a variety of benefits to meet many needs.

Crooked, misaligned, or uneven teeth can be hidden with veneers. An impression will be taken of your teeth, which will be sent to a lab so that veneers can be created specifically for you. Once the veneers are finished, the dentist will attach them to your teeth to give you a perfectly straight smile without having to wear braces.

If you have cracked or otherwise weakened teeth, you do not have to replace them in order to get dental veneers. Once the teeth are stabilized, veneers can be applied and actually act like a splint for your teeth. Veneers create a strong bond with your teeth and can even protect against tooth decay.

Another benefit of veneers is their durability, as they can last up to 20 years. Caring for them just means proper brushing and flossing, and regular checkups. No changes to your diet are necessary, and porcelain veneers are stain resistant so they maintain their bright appearance.

Easy procedure:
Getting dental veneers is a painless process, and quicker than many other cosmetic procedures. You can get your new smile in just two or three appointments.

Veneers are one of the most natural-looking ways to improve your smile. They look similar to real teeth because they reflect light naturally, and the thin material fits snugly to your teeth.

Veneers correct a variety of cosmetic dental problems. Examples include discolorations, stains, breaks, misalignment, overcrowding, and unevenness. Just about any aesthetic flaw you have with your teeth can be covered with veneers, giving you a brand new beautiful smile.

Our dental office is located in Longview

The Cons of Over-the-Counter Home Teeth Whitening Kits

The Cons of Over-the-Counter Home Teeth Whitening Kits

Everyone wants to have a whiter, healthy smile. Home teeth whitening has become an extremely popular means to achieve those pearlier whites in the past couple of decades.  In many cases, over-the-counter whitening kits are effective and safe. However, there are some disadvantages and risks to using over-the-counter home whitening kits:

  • Off-brand whitening kits often contain dangerous concentrations of bleach or peroxide. This can cause erosion of the tooth enamel, and irritation to the sensitive gums and soft tissues of the mouth.
  • Because many kits contain trays that do not adhere properly to your teeth, gums can become irritated and chemicals can leak out and be ingested causing stomach problems.
  • Poorly fitted trays and varying concentrations of chemicals from lower quality kits may also result in unwanted discoloration of teeth or uneven results.
  • Exposure to excessively harsh chemicals in off-brand kits can also cause gum shrinkage and oral infections.

When considering at-home whitening, it is best to stick to name brand kits to ensure the quality and safety of the treatment. Many popular brands of kits are both safe and efficient when used as directed. In any case, you should not consider at-home whitening if any of the following apply:

  • You have deep, untreated cavities.
  • You are pregnant.
  • You suffer from gum disease.

The safest and most effective method for whitening your teeth is to have treatment by a dental professional, either in-office or with professional take-home trays. A qualified dentist can whiten your teeth up to ten shades in as little as one office visit. Consult with your dentist before pursuing any type of whitening treatment to ensure you will achieve the whiter smile you desire in the safest and quickest manner possible.

Schedule your appointment at our Longview dental office

Corrective Jaw Surgery

Corrective Jaw Surgery

Oral surgery to correct problems with the jaw is known as orthognathic surgery. Jaw issues can result from birth defects, changes due to growth, or injury or trauma to the face. While orthodontics can correct bite problems when only the teeth are involved, oral surgery may be required when repositioning of the jaw is necessary to correct the issue. If you suffer from any of the following concerns, orthognathic surgery may be a consideration:

  • Difficulty chewing, biting or swallowing
  • Problems with opening and closing your mouth, or with speaking
  • Persistent jaw or temporomandibular joint pain
  • Clenching or grinding of teeth causing excessive wear to the teeth
  • Inability to make the lips meet without straining
  • Un-proportional facial appearance or protruding jaw
  • Malocclusion, open, or incorrect bite
  • Recessive lower jaw and chin
  • Habitual mouth breathing
  • Sleep apnea and breathing problems
  • Facial injury or trauma

Most jaw surgeries are performed completely in the mouth, so no facial scars are visible. The oral surgeon makes cuts in the jawbone and then moves them to the correct position. Once the jaw is correctly aligned, screws and bone plates are placed to secure the jaw into the new position. Sometimes it may be necessary to add extra bone to the jaw from your hip, leg, or rib.

Orthognathic surgery is performed by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon usually in a hospital setting. Recovery time from jaw surgery takes three to six weeks. Your general or family dentist should be able to refer you to a skilled oral surgeon for a consultation and examination to determine a treatment plan. Jaw surgery can improve not only your facial appearance, but also chewing, speaking and breathing functions.

Schedule your appointment at our Longview dental office

Some Fast Options for Smile Makeovers

Some Fast Options for Smile Makeovers

Are you looking to improve your smile but you don’t have a lot of time? Have you heard that smile makeovers are invasive and time-consuming? There are many options available to you for your smile makeover that are relatively short and sweet. If you are in good health but want to make improvements to your smile, these fast and easy options may be right for you.

Teeth bleaching (also known as whitening) is an extremely popular and very simple therapy for quickly brightening your smile. Many common foods and drinks we consume daily can slowly dim your smile by discoloring or staining your tooth enamel. Having your teeth whitened by your dentist can lighten your teeth by as many as ten levels in a single office visit, saving you time and effort.

Composite bonding can repair small problems like cracks, chips or irregular shapes in one visit. Bonding is done by hand by your dentist and requires excellent technique and materials, as well as the skill needed to match your natural tooth color.

Perhaps you need a little more extensive work done to achieve your dream smile, but you don’t have the time. Your dentist may be able to offer you a “snap-on” smile. This is a thin appliance that is placed on top of your natural teeth using nothing but your teeth as an anchor – no adhesives are necessary. These snap-on teeth can be made to mimic a celebrity’s teeth, or just better, straighter, whiter versions of your own. They can stay in all day during your regular activities, allowing you to get the benefits of a beautiful smile without the time of a more invasive treatment.

Talk to your dentist today about the treatments you can have done in a single office visit. Your friends, family and coworkers might not be able to immediately identify what “work” you had done, but you can rest assured everyone will notice your change in attitude and your gorgeous smile.

If you need a dentist in Longview contact us today

Should I Allow My Teen to Undergo Cosmetic Dentistry?

Should I Allow My Teen to Undergo Cosmetic Dentistry?

Has your child been bothered by some issue with his or her teeth? Has there been bullying or teasing about a smile issue? Cosmetic dentistry may be the solution for these problems. Teens can benefit from a healthy, attractive, white smile. Benefits can include increased self-esteem and greater ease with public speaking and social interactions. Some cosmetic dental procedures can correct problems that began when teens were pediatric patients. Others can address issues of alignment or shape.

The most common cosmetic dental procedure pursued by young people is braces. Braces are so common now that in middle school, it seems as though more students have braces than do not. Even in elementary school, braces can be an option toward achieving a straight smile.

Some teens naturally have discolored teeth that can benefit from teeth bleaching or whitening. Medications and foods and drinks can affect tooth color. Most dental professionals prefer to whiten only permanent teeth that are fully erupted. The primary concern about whitening teeth for young people is that the teeth are also “young” and that the pulp is closer to the surface than in adult teeth, leading to heightened sensitivity to the products used to achieve whitening.

If your teen has suffered trauma to the teeth from playing sports or in an accident, bonding with resin composite or porcelain veneers could be the solution. Dentists can also provide mouth guards for protection while engaging in some activities, such as football or hockey. Be sure to contact your dentist immediately following any new trauma so your teen’s teeth can be properly evaluated.

If your child has a missing tooth, either from trauma, decay or congenital issue, your cosmetic dentist might recommend a dental bridge or dental implant. Bridges can be used at an early age, but dental implants are only for mature mouths with complete bone growth.

If your child has issues regarding the appearance of his or her smile, make an appointment with your dentist today to discuss what cosmetic dental treatments are best to treat those problems.

Our dental office is located in Longview

Keeping Your Smile Makeover Fresh and Fabulous

Keeping Your Smile Makeover Fresh and Fabulous

You finally have the smile of your dreams, so you want to make sure you take proper care of your bright new smile to keep it looking as fantastic as it makes you feel. Your cosmetic dental treatments and restorations can continue to look their best for many years with just a few dental health care tips and tricks:

  • Use a non-abrasive fluoride toothpaste to avoid scratching and dulling the surface of your restorations. Just as you would with regular oral care, brush and floss two to three times per day immediately after meals, if possible.
  • Avoid mouthwashes that contain alcohol which can damage fillings and deteriorate the bond between crowns and veneers.
  • Limit between meal snacks and foods that are high in sugar that can promote decay and the development of cavities.
  • Refrain from eating and drinking foods and beverages such as tea, wine, coffee, and berries that are notorious for staining the surface of teeth.
  • Avoid chewing or biting on hard objects such as fingernails, pens or bottle caps.
  • Wear a mouth guard when playing contact or combat sports.
  • If you grind your teeth while sleeping, wear a night guard to avoid damage to your teeth or restorations.
  • Maintain a regular schedule of bi-annual dental checkups and cleanings.

Although they will eventually need to be repeated or replaced, many cosmetic treatments and restorations can last as long as ten to fifteen years. With excellent care and attention, you can extend the life of your smile makeover and keep it looking fresh and fabulous for years. Take the time to take care of your smile, and it will reward you with years of beautiful smiles in return.

We look forward to seeing you in our Longview dental office