Dental Veneers and Discolored Teeth

Dental Veneers and Discolored Teeth

There are a number of reasons people choose to get dental veneers, which are able to hide all kinds of tooth problems. These thin porcelain shells are bonded to the front surfaces of your teeth and can transform an embarrassing smile into one to fill you with pride. One of the most common reasons that many patients opt for veneers is to hide discolored teeth.

No matter what the cause for it, teeth can lose their bright white shine over time. It can be from consuming foods and drinks that tend to stain teeth, such as red wine, coffee, berries, sodas, and other culprits. Or it can be side effects from medications, including the antibiotic tetracycline which can cause severe tooth discoloration if taken during a child’s formative years. Poor oral hygiene can also contribute to yellowed teeth, as well as tobacco use. Aging in general tends to discolor teeth too.

If your teeth show the effects of staining or yellowing, and you’d like to get that healthy youthful glow back, porcelain veneers are a good option. They provide a unique advantage of never staining, so they look like new the entire time you have them. With proper care, your veneers should last for decades or even a lifetime. That means a bright, white smile that won’t deteriorate!

Another great benefit about veneers is that they provide an instant improvement to your smile. As soon as they are placed, your smile will be transformed. If you have concerns about what they will look like, many dentists are able to use computerized photo imaging technology to give you an accurate idea of what to expect. This may alleviate any hesitations about veneers being the right solution to hide your discolored teeth. Ask your dentist today about the possibility of getting veneers to improve your smile.

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Anatomy of a Smile Makeover

Anatomy of a Smile Makeover

Everyone hopes to look younger and more attractive, and one way to achieve that youthful glow is to have a beautiful smile. Teeth free of stains, chips, misalignment, cracks and other problems are more likely to help you feel good about yourself and make a better impression on others. One way to achieve this goal is to see a cosmetic dentist for a smile makeover.

Dentists have been helping patients improve the appearance of their smiles for many years, but advances in techniques and materials allow smile makeovers to be much more advantageous today. Silver fillings have been replaced with tooth-colored composite resin, dental implants securely replace missing teeth, teeth whitening methods produce dramatic results, and computer imaging can provide great predictions for the outcomes of various cosmetic dental procedures.

There are many options for a smile makeover depending on what you need:

  • Discolored or stained teeth benefit from professional whitening treatment. Yellowed teeth can improve numerous shades of white to give you a whole new look.
  • Chips in your teeth can be filled with tooth-colored composite resin in a procedure called bonding. You can choose a shade closely matching your tooth, so that once it is smoothed and polished you can’t even tell it was done.
  • Uneven teeth that are slightly longer or shorter than their neighbors can be shaped in a more appealing way using recontouring techniques.
  • Gaps between teeth can be closed using composite material, or large spaces can be hidden with dental veneers. In fact, porcelain veneers can cover all sorts of flaws that you don’t want others to see in your smile.
  • Cavities or cracked teeth can be filled with tooth-colored material instead of traditional amalgam, making them invisible in the mouth.
  • Broken teeth that are unsightly or weak can be covered with a durable and attractive crown.

Crooked teeth can be moved with orthodontic treatment, employing the latest method of Invisalign. These clear plastic aligners transform your smile without the noticeable metal braces that impact your diet and dental hygiene.

If you live in the Longview area contact us today

FAQ about Dental Veneers

FAQ about Dental Veneers

Porcelain veneers can transform your smile from one that embarrasses you to one that you’re proud to show off. A thin shell of porcelain is bonded onto the fronts of your teeth to improve the shape and color. If you’re looking to close gaps between your teeth, reshape your teeth, or brighten stained teeth, porcelain veneers may be your answer. Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about veneers.

How do veneers work?:
Made from durable and natural-looking porcelain, veneers are customized to fit your teeth. Your face shape, skin tone, eyes, height, and even your personality are considered when designing your dental veneers. They are bonded securely to your teeth to give you the smile you always wanted.

Is it a long process to get them?:
The process for getting veneers usually takes about four to six weeks. At your first appointment, your teeth will be shaped and their surface will be slightly roughened. Impressions will be taken to create models of your mouth so that the veneers can be personalized for you. At the next appointment, your teeth will be cleaned and polished before a special adhesive is used to bond the veneers to your teeth. A high-intensity light is used to set the adhesive.

What will my teeth look like while I’m waiting for veneers?:
After your teeth have been prepared for veneers, usually you will be fitted with specialized temporary veneers. These interim veneers look better than your original teeth, so you won’t feel self-conscious during the waiting period.

How long do veneers last?:
Porcelain veneers typically last from ten to twenty years. Porcelain is very strong and durable, and resistant to stains and wear.

What are the advantages to veneers?:
Since the bond to your original teeth is strong, porcelain veneers can be treated just like your own teeth. They appear very natural because the porcelain looks similar to your tooth enamel. Veneers can also protect your teeth from further damage if they are chipped or worn down, so they not only cover your teeth with a layer of protection but also create a beautiful bright smile.

Our dental office is located in Longview

Considerations for a Smile Makeover

Considerations for a Smile Makeover

The process of improving your appearance through oral changes is called a smile makeover. A wide variety of cosmetic procedures can be performed so that you’ll be happier and more confident about your smile. There are many factors that a cosmetic dentist considers when helping you decide upon your ideal smile. Since it is a completely customized process, your dentist will ask your goals and provide recommendations based on your personal characteristics.

Alignment and spacing

Gapped, crooked, or overcrowded teeth can be aligned and straightened, often through dental veneers or orthodontics. Options for braces have expanded to include less visible approaches such as Invisalign.

Tooth color

Discolored teeth can be the sign of age or habits like consuming dark foods or smoking. Bright, white teeth suggest a more youthful look that can improve your whole appearance. This can be achieved in a smile makeover through professional teeth whitening or dental veneers. Your cosmetic dentist will help you choose the shade that best complements the color and tone of your face and hair, helping you achieve the right balance. You might also choose to have silver fillings replaced with tooth-colored composite so that they are no longer noticeable in your smile.

Tooth length

Aging can cause your teeth to wear down and become shorter, giving you a gummy smile that tends to make you look older than you are. A smile makeover can offer lengthening and reshaping of your teeth through bonding or veneers. Another option is having your gum line modified with laser dentistry so that your teeth appear longer. Altering the length of your teeth to accent your face more appropriately can be a big improvement to your features.

Missing teeth

Gaps in your smile due to missing teeth affects the appearance and function of your mouth, also creating greater risk for tooth decay and tooth shifting. Some smile makeover choices for restoring missing teeth are dental implants, partial dentures, or bridges.

Facial features

The entire shape and look of your face can be improved with certain smile makeover techniques. Examples are oral maxillofacial surgery or orthodontics. Your cosmetic dentist can make suggestions and sometimes even create computer images to show you possible outcomes.

We treat patients from Longview and the surrounding area

Feeling Better about your Smile with Veneers

Feeling Better about your Smile with Veneers

Teeth that cause you to be embarrassed about your smile may be hidden using a popular cosmetic dentistry technique called veneers. Broken, chipped, discolored, or misaligned teeth can easily be hidden with this long-lasting dental solution.

Veneers are very thin shells, usually made of durable porcelain, placed over your teeth to hide the flaws. It is a simple process for your dentist to attach them to your teeth, and you and your dentist can even choose the color of your veneers for the most natural and appealing look. The process is pain-free and does not require lots of time at your dentist’s office. Veneers feel like regular teeth and do not cause irritation of your gums.

One of the greatest things about veneers is that the porcelain resists stains, so you can eat and drink whatever you would like without avoiding items that are known to discolor teeth. Caring for veneers does not require anything additional to your normal oral hygiene routine. Proper maintenance will help keep your veneers looking great and your teeth healthy.

Finding a dentist to do your veneers is usually easy. Many dentists practice this technique, it is just a matter of inquiring to find out which ones provide the service and determining who you are most comfortable with to do your dental work. You should make sure that the dentist you choose is experienced and qualified in providing dental veneers. Asking for before and after photos of other patients with veneers is a good idea too.

Once you have chosen a dentist and decided together that veneers will be helpful in your case, you will be on your way to a beautiful smile.

We treat patients from Longview and the surrounding area

Get a Dazzling Smile with Veneers

Get a Dazzling Smile with Veneers

Veneers are a terrific option to create a dazzling smile. These shells fit right over your real teeth to hide a variety of cosmetic problems. Veneers are typically made of porcelain, giving you a natural and long-lasting smile.

How are they applied?:
Once you and your dentist decide that veneers are right for you, a small amount of your tooth enamel will be removed so that they fit correctly. An impression of your teeth will be made and sent to a dental lab for the veneers to be custom made. When they are ready, you will return to your dentist to have the veneers attached to your teeth with a special adhesive.

What are the benefits?:
It is hard for others to tell you have veneers because they look very natural. They are shaped just for your smile, and you select the color. Veneers resist stains from things like coffee, red wine, and tobacco use. Veneers are also a great choice because they fit right over your own teeth, without requiring more extensive procedures.

Are there disadvantages?:
Some patients experience increased tooth sensitivity after getting veneers due to the minor enamel removal. Also, veneers are permanent and the process cannot be reversed. Another thing to keep in mind is carefully choosing your veneer color, so that your smile isn’t overly white or unnatural.

Are veneers right for everyone?:
Veneers are great for hiding chips, cracks, gaps, or uneven teeth. They are whiten teeth that haven’t responded well to other methods. Veneers may not work for patients with weak teeth from decay, large fillings, or fractures. Patients who grind their teeth or clench their jaws may also be poor candidates because consistent wear can crack or chip the veneers.

What about maintenance?:
Veneers last ten years or more with good care. Practicing proper dental hygiene is important to avoid decay of your teeth under the veneers. Avoid nail biting or chewing on hard items like ice or pencils, which may break the thin veneers. Normal brushing and flossing is acceptable, and regular dental checkups are important in maintaining good oral health.

We look forward to seeing you in our Longview dental office