Invisalign Teen: What You Need to Know

Invisalign Teen: What You Need to Know

Invisalign Teen is a revolutionary way to straighten your adolescent’s teeth without the hassle of traditional metal braces. Invisalign utilizes a system of clear, removable aligner trays that are custom fit to your teen. The aligners are worn over the teeth and changed for a new set every two weeks. Over time, your teen’s teeth move into place, resulting in a beautiful, straight smile. If you are considering Invisalign Teen, make sure you learn the facts.

  • With proper use, Invisalign is capable of treating mild to more extreme orthodontic problems. This includes underbite, overbite, gaps, and excessive crowding.
  • Because they are removable, Invisalign allows your teen the flexibility to play sports without worrying about damaging the appliance. Musicians are also able to play their instruments without wires and brackets getting in the way.
  • Your teen can continue to enjoy favorite foods with Invisalign, unlike traditional braces that come with a long list of foods that should be avoided.
  • Invisalign aligners are easily removed for cleaning and tooth brushing and flossing.
  • The normal treatment time is approximately the same or less as with metal braces, but will depend largely on the condition of your teen’s teeth.
  • For optimal results in the least amount of time, it is recommended that your teen wears the Invisalign aligners 20-22 hours per day. Invisalign Teen has a built-in indicator that alerts your orthodontist if the aligners are being worn the minimum about of time required.
  • Your teen will enjoy less time at the orthodontist’s office with Invisalign. Traditional braces require routine adjustment and also often have broken brackets and wires that need repair. With Invisalign, your teen only needs an office visit every 4-6 weeks.
  • Most adolescents who need orthodontics are candidates for treatment with Invisalign. Your teen should be evaluated by an orthodontist who is a qualified Invisalign provider.

Contact your orthodontist to find out if treatment with Invisalign Teen is offered so your child can start enjoying the benefits of a perfect new smile.

We look forward to seeing you in our Longview dental office

Dealing With Pain Following Root Canal Therapy

Dealing With Pain Following Root Canal Therapy

Root canal treatments are specifically designed to relieve the tooth pain associated with an infected tooth root. Patients come in with pain, and often leave the procedure with less discomfort than before. However, if you’ve recently had a root canal treatment on one or more of your teeth, you might be experiencing discomfort following the procedure. Fortunately, there are things you can do at home to take care of it.

Are your gums sore, tender or swollen surrounding the affected tooth? This is likely the result of the tiny metal clips that affix a rubber dam around the tooth, protecting it and protecting your mouth. The clips are attached along the gum line, and can leave tiny bruises or sometimes small cuts in the soft gum tissue. This pain should alleviate within two days of the treatment.

Is the tooth itself sore? This is a common occurrence and is typically the result of an inflammation of the mouth tissues that encase the tooth root. The tools used by the endodontist to perform the procedure can irritate the tissues.

Both of these types of pain can be dealt with by several over-the-counter analgesics. The ones that are most recommended to treat dental pain are those that possess anti-inflammatory agents: naproxen sodium, ibuprofen or aspirin, etc. If you are also taking narcotics prescribed by your dentist, do not take any further medication, over-the-counter or prescription, until you have checked with your dentist. Dangerous reactions can occur.

If you have been prescribed antibiotics, do not stop until you have completed each recommended dose. This ensures that your tooth remains free of infection and can heal thoroughly.

Ask your endodontist if you have other concerns about treating your post-root canal treatment pain.

We look forward to seeing you in our Longview dental office

How to Know You Need Root Canal Therapy

How to Know You Need Root Canal Therapy

Tooth decay that is allowed to become severe can cause extensive damage to your tooth, even resulting in tooth loss if not treated. Sometimes symptoms are present that cause you to visit your dentist, but other times it’s just a regular checkup that catches a problem.

The source of trouble usually begins with a small area of tooth decay that goes unnoticed. Bacteria attacks, decay thrives, a cavity may form, and infection can spread. Cavities may be filled to repair the tooth and eradicate infection, but advanced cases of decay can reach the tooth’s interior. Once it gets to the pulp, serious damage can set in. This is when symptoms often appear, sometimes becoming severe.

Once damage reaches your tooth’s pulp, some common symptoms that will prompt you to call your dentist may include:

  • Slight to severe pain when biting, chewing, or even putting slight pressure on the tooth
  • Minor to extreme sensitivity when your tooth comes into contact with anything hot or cold
  • Inflammation or swelling near the gum line surrounding the affected tooth
  • Ongoing aches in the general area of the damaged tooth, including headaches, neck aches, or earaches
  • Ulcers or bumps near the damaged tooth
  • Difficulty performing normal mouth functions like eating

If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s time to visit your dentist for an evaluation. Root canal therapy might be recommended to restore your tooth’s health and regain comfort and functionality. Root canal treatment involves cleaning the damaged areas of the tooth pulp to remove infection and bacteria, filling the open space, and sealing it to prevent future damage. Sometimes a crown is placed on top to complete the process.

When a tooth is severely damaged, root canal therapy provides your best chance for restoration and optimum oral health. Your dentist will effectively and safely perform the procedure, and at the same time relieve the related symptoms that you may be experiencing.

If you live in the Longview area contact us today

Keep Your Mouth Healthier by Choosing Invisalign Over Traditional Braces

Keep Your Mouth Healthier by Choosing Invisalign Over Traditional Braces

Traditional braces have long been thought to be the only option available to straighten your teeth and correct your bite issues. Advances in Invisalign aligners now give you a choice, one that might just leave your mouth healthier when all is said and done.

Invisalign aligners are clear plastic trays that are worn for up to twenty-two hours a day. They can be removed while eating and for cleaning. A series of trays is prepared to slowly guide the teeth into proper position over time. When one tray has done its job, the next tray in the series is utilized.

Traditional metal braces are extremely challenging to clean. The brackets and bands trap bacteria and food debris all around the teeth, and in order to prevent gum disease and cavities, wearers must thread floss painstakingly under each wire and floss each tooth one-by-one, threading again and again. Brushing is challenging, too, as brushes wear out very quickly and can’t always reach the difficult areas. Even using a waterpick can’t be fool proof, because if used incorrectly, bacteria and debris are simply pushed further into the gum pocket, causing irritation and leading to infections.

Invisalign allows you to take out your trays so you can brush and floss normally, just as you did before you began your treatment. Trays are rinsed with water and placed back in the mouth. The teeth are clean and the aligner is clean, all in a fraction of the time it would take to clean a mouthful of traditional braces.

Keep your mouth healthier by talking to your orthodontist today to see if Invisalign aligners are right for you and your smile goals.

Our dental office is located in Longview

Invisalign: Straightening Teeth Without Braces

Invisalign: Straightening Teeth Without Braces

Having straight teeth is a goal from young people through mature adults, and achieving a great smile without having to wear braces is a wonderful benefit. Awkward moments of a mouth full of metal, food particles stuck in your smile, and painful wires poking your cheeks are all erased. How do you make this happen? The answer is Invisalign.

Invisalign is an orthodontic solution that involves wearing a series of clear plastic aligners that fit right onto your teeth, and move them using slow pressure. They are nearly invisible and can be removed at any time, allowing you to follow your usual eating and hygiene routines.

The first step is taking impressions of your teeth and making a digital 3-D image so that an exact treatment plan can be created. You will be able to see how your teeth should look at each treatment stage. Your customized aligners will be made in a lab so that they fit comfortably yet do their job.

You will need to wear your aligners during the day and while you sleep, but remove them for eating and hygiene. You can even remove them for special occasions, as long as you strive to wear the aligners 22 hours each day. Roughly every two weeks, you will change to a new set of aligners that will advance you to the next stage of treatment. You will see your dentist about every six weeks for checkups.

Invisalign treatment lasts about a year for adults and about two years for teens. Your progress will be visible throughout treatment, motivating you to continue wearing them to transform your smile. Once your treatment is complete, you’ll have beautiful straight teeth and very few complaints about your orthodontic experience.

Our dental office is located in Longview

Choosing Root Canal Treatment Over Tooth Extraction

Choosing Root Canal Treatment Over Tooth Extraction

Pain, sensitivity, and trouble eating or sleeping are only a few of the uncomfortable symptoms of a damaged tooth. Sometimes the inside portion of a tooth, or its pulp, becomes so damaged that action must be taken. It could come in the form of extracting the tooth or it might be able to be saved through root canal treatment.

Virtually every dentist recommends root canal therapy over tooth extraction. It’s almost always better to save your natural tooth. Otherwise, you’ll end up with a hole in your smile and the problems that accompany it.

A tooth can be damaged for a variety of reasons such as severe decay, trauma, or deep cavities. The damaged pulp contains nerves, which is one reason that many patients experience severe pain. Although dental fillings can remedy some cavities or decay, when the situation advances to the extent of harming the tooth pulp, fillings are not enough. Root canal treatment is usually the best way to repair the tooth without having to pull it.

A root canal procedure involves drilling into the tooth so that the pulp can be completely removed and the canal thoroughly cleaned. Then the area is filled with special material and sealed to prevent future damage. Often, a dental crown is placed on top of the restored tooth to provide added protection. This process alleviates any symptoms and give you back your fully functional, natural tooth.

If you were to opt for tooth extraction instead of root canal treatment, you’d be choosing a more invasive approach. The procedure can be intrusive, time consuming and costly. Recovery from tooth extraction can be uncomfortable and take longer than root canal therapy. Careful oral hygiene is necessary after extraction to avoid infection or complications. You’ll also be left with an unappealing hole in your smile that can make eating and speaking more difficult, and your other teeth will likely start moving into that empty space.

To determine the best treatment for you, consult a reputable dentist. You’ll learn about the options and how root canal therapy may be the best choice in restoring your oral health and your smile.

If you live in the Longview area contact us today