Setting Your Expectations for IV Dental Sedation

Setting Your Expectations for IV Dental Sedation

Intravenous, or IV, dental sedation offers patients a way to remain completely relaxed while undergoing dental procedures. Those with dental phobias, severe anxiety, special needs, or other issues are able to obtain necessary treatment instead of avoiding trips to the dentist. IV sedation is an effective and safe process that makes you very relaxed and unaware of the dental work being done. You won’t even remember anything about treatment, allowing you to come away with a positive experience.

Becoming a candidate:
IV medications are delivered directly into your vein through a needle in your arm. You’ll need to schedule an appointment to discuss sedation with your dentist, and disclose any medical conditions and medications (both prescription and over-the-counter) you are taking. A thorough examination will be conducted, X-rays or other tests may be performed, and a discussion of all aspects of IV sedation is necessary to determine if this treatment is right for you.

Going to your appointment:
Arrange for a friend to drive you to and from your appointment, because you may feel drowsy at first. It is advised not to drive, return to work or school, or make important decisions for a day following sedation so that the medication has time to completely wear off. In some cases, your dentist may give instructions for fasting prior to your procedure.

During your procedure:
Qualified, well-trained professionals will be doing your anesthesia and procedure. You will be monitored the entire time to ensure your safety and comfort. The IV will be placed in your arm, and some patients request an additional method of mild sedation be used if needles are upsetting. When the dental work is complete, the sedation will be reversed and you will become more alert to go home.

Recovering from your appointment:
Follow all of the instructions from your dentist about after-care, which will vary depending upon your procedure. Any grogginess you might feel from the sedation usually wears off after a few hours, so plan on resting before returning to your normal routine.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Crowns and Bridges

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Crowns and Bridges

What is a dental crown?

  • A dental crown encases a damaged tooth completely within a custom-fit cap, or crown, fitting perfectly over the affected tooth. A dental crown is designed specifically for you and your tooth’s particular design, fit and function. It is a restorative therapy that can restore function to a tooth that may have had excessive decay, has been cracked or has recently undergone root canal treatment.

How do dental crowns work?

  • A dental crown covers a damaged tooth entirely and can be used to improve not only the tooth’s appearance, but also its shape or alignment.

What is a dental bridge?

  • A dental bridge makes a literal bridge between two anchor teeth, filling a gap left by a missing tooth that has either fallen out naturally or is the result of acute decay or facial trauma. Dental crowns cover the bordering anchor teeth, allowing the bridge to fit securely and to function as your natural tooth.

What materials are used for dental crowns?

  • Dental crowns can be porcelain (ceramic), porcelain-fused-to-metal, or gold or other metal alloy. Porcelain or ceramic crowns can be designed to closely match the color and translucency of your natural teeth. Metal alloys are usually stronger, and are a better choice for back teeth.

Is a dental cap a crown?   

  • Yes! A dental cap is another name for a dental crown.

Am I a candidate for a dental bridge?

  • If you are missing a tooth and you have adjacent teeth that are stable, dental bridges are for you. Even if you are missing a front tooth or a tooth that has only one border, there are types of dental bridges that could meet your needs.

Are there alternatives to a dental bridge?

  • Dental implants are rising in popularity as technology has improved. A dental implant can restore a single tooth or can restore several, and are the standard of care for the replacement of a missing tooth today. Because a dental implant continues to stimulate the jawbone, it doesn’t lead to bone loss over time.

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A History of Sedation Dentistry

A History of Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry, also known as “sleep dentistry,” refers to the practice of calming and relaxing a patient prior to a dental procedure with the use of pharmacological agents. Sedation dentistry began in the late 1700s when a chemist named Humphry Davy began experimenting with inhaled gasses and first observed the analgesic effects of nitrous oxide, commonly known as “laughing gas,” on himself and on dental patients.

In 1844, an American dentist named Horace Wells used nitrous oxide as a dental anesthetic during the extraction of his own molar tooth. Wells made the observation that while he experienced very little pain while undergoing the extraction, he was still fully conscious during the procedure. A few years later, dentist William Morton and surgeon John Warren performed a public oral surgery at Harvard University, demonstrating the analgesic properties of a sulfur-ether compound, further proving that sedation dentistry should be explored further.

For years, trial and error procedures informed doctors of the safety of various levels of pain-relieving gasses. It was discovered that 100% nitrous oxide, when used in prolonged dental cases, could lead to hypoxia, a condition in which the body is deprived of the oxygen it needs to thrive, something that can eventually lead to death. Finally, a Chicago surgeon named Dr. Edmund Andrews began mixing nitrous oxide with oxygen, administering them simultaneously. This allowed for safer analgesic options for both surgical and dental procedures. Ether and chloroform, combined with some nitrous oxide, was later shown to provide deeper sedation for prolonged treatments.

Intravenous (IV) sedation began in the 1960s at the Loma Linda University School of Dentistry in California. Dentists there experimented with IV sedation for the highest level of management for pain, anxiety and fear for dental patients undergoing surgery.

Today, dentists routinely turn to sedation dentistry for their patients to relieve pain, stress and to provide the most comfortable dental therapies as possible. Talk to your dentist to discover the latest sedation dentistry options and to see how they can help you positively experience your next dental procedure.

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Sedation Dentistry: Advantages and Disadvantages of Nitrous Oxide

Sedation Dentistry: Advantages and Disadvantages of Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide, otherwise known as laughing or happy gas, is a colorless and odorless gas that you inhale through your nose. The effects of nitrous oxide are a relaxed feeling and diminished pain, making it an ideal sedation option for many dental procedures. Advantages of sedation utilizing nitrous oxide include:

  • The effects of nitrous oxide make their way to the brain in mere seconds, and the pain relieving properties develop in just minutes.
  • Your sedation dentist can alter the level of sedation during treatment.
  • Nitrous oxide can be administered for the exact amount of time it is needed to complete the procedure.
  • Nitrous oxide has no negative after-effects because it is eliminated from the body within five minutes after the sedation is stopped.
  • Your sedation dentist has complete control and is able to give incremental doses of nitrous oxide, eliminating the risk of accidentally overdosing.
  • No injection is required, making nitrous oxide a very attractive option for patients with a fear of needles.
  • The relaxing effects of sedation with nitrous oxide is known to eliminate or reduce gagging.
  • Sedation with nitrous oxide is considered very safe and has no negative effects on other organs of the body.

There are a few potential disadvantages of sedation with nitrous oxide, including:

  • Some patients may not achieve the desired level of sedation with the maximum   amounts of nitrous oxide allowed.
  • Patients who are mouth breathers, have claustrophobia, or have difficulty breathing through their nose may not be good candidates for nitrous oxide.
  • If you are prone to nausea or a sensitive stomach, nitrous oxide may not be a good option.

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General Dentistry: Why You Should Never Skip Regular Appointments

General Dentistry: Why You Should Never Skip Regular Appointments

Most of us know we should visit our general dentist every six months for exams and cleanings to ensure optimal oral health, but it seems we find many reasons to avoid those visits. Busy schedules or fear of dental treatments often mean people skip critical routine oral care. However, there are several reasons why you should make regular appointments with your general dentist a priority.

First, routine cleanings by your general dentist will give you a brighter, healthier smile. While brushing and flossing at home are important, it is impossible to remove all of the plaque that accumulates over time. Left untreated, plaque causes decay that leads to cavities and gum disease. Professional cleanings by your general dentist removes plaque and stains, leaving your breath fresher and your smile whiter.

Second, regular examinations allow your dentist to identify potential problems before they become severe. Cavities and gum disease caught early are much simpler to treat, preventing the need for procedures like root canal therapy, crowns, or even tooth extractions. Seeing your general dentist routinely will keep these types of problems in check, and save you from more complex and invasive procedures later.

Finally and most importantly, regular checkups with your general dentist can have a direct impact on your overall health. Poor oral health affects your entire body. A decayed tooth can cause a bacterial infection that spreads to other areas of your body. A general dentist checks your mouth for signs of disease, decay, and even certain cancers.

Stop making excuses and find a qualified general dentist with hours and an office location that is convenient to you. Consult with the staff about your dental fears and learn what types of services are offered to make your visit less stressful. If you value both your beautiful smile and your excellent health, be sure to keep regular visits to the dentist on your calendar.

Schedule your appointment at our Longview dental office

Risks Associated with Sedation Dentistry

Risks Associated with Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry is often hailed as a solution to all of a patient’s problems regarding dental therapies. It can address anxiety, fear, stress and pain. It can provide a comfortable experience for the dental patient, allowing the dental professional to work safely and quickly. As with any pharmacological agent, there are risks, and before you agree to any sedation dentistry option, it is smart to educate yourself about some of those risks.

While single doses of oral sedatives such as Valium or Halcion are unlikely to harm a patient, there are concerns regarding multiple doses of these drugs that could potentially cause a patient to be overly sedated, or even completely unconscious. Because each patient has a different metabolism, drugs can take between twenty minutes and an hour to become fully effective.

These time-delay issues are not problematic for inhaled sedation or for IV sedation, as these types of sedation dentistry are effective almost instantaneously. For oral sedation, however, a dentist who administers more than one pill could cause an overdose if the medicine kicks in at the same time. Most dentists lack both the equipment and the training to effectively and quickly address an overdose in a patient who is unconscious.

In 2000, a group known as the Dental Organization for Conscious Sedation was launched. Its purpose is to train dentists on sedation dentistry methods such as how to properly monitor a patient during a dental procedure to ensure that their heart rates and oxygen levels are healthy. Despite this, there are still concerns about adverse effects of adults with oral conscious sedation. There have been no reported adult deaths from overdosing; however, some children have died from oral sedation, leading to the practice being recommended only for adults.

If you are about to undergo a prolonged dental procedure, or if you are considering sedation dentistry to address personal anxiety or a dental phobia, look for a dentist who has received training in sedation dentistry and has high levels of experience to ensure that your procedure is as safe and comfortable as possible.

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