Getting the Most Out of a Family Dentist

Getting the Most Out of a Family Dentist

Facing dental issues are a fact of life, no matter your age. The likelihood is almost certain that at least one member of your family will require dental treatment at some point, not to mention the need for regular checkups and cleanings. The promise of dental care being required by every family member means that it can be beneficial to have a family dentist who can take care of each one’s oral health.

Although you might choose to seek oral care from a general dentist, there are some unique advantages that family dentists offer. First and foremost, a family dentist treats every member of your family no matter their age. This type of dental practice is comfortable handling any age group, while a general practice might not be as prepared for the young and old and everyone in between.

Another benefit is that you can find a single family dental practice and not have to keep looking for a dentist for each family member. You can convey your family information one time to one office, and the staff will get to know all of you. The dentist and staff will learn about the oral health of every family member, and you can feel confident that each person is receiving the same quality care.

Once you choose a family dentist, everyone will know what office to go to and may even be able to make joint appointments. It will be easy to communicate with a single location, and you’ll grow comfortable in dealing with the same group of people for every family member. Many people appreciate having a long-term professional healthcare relationship, and feeling confident in the care and experience each member of your family will have there.

We treat patients from Longview and the surrounding area

Reasons to Regularly Visit Your Family Dentist

Reasons to Regularly Visit Your Family Dentist

You may be diligent about keeping up with your yearly physical with your general physician, but you may not be as careful about seeing your family dentist as often as you should. People tend to neglect dental checkups, thinking that if their teeth aren’t hurting then there’s no reason to go to the dentist. This is untrue! Regular checkups and cleanings play an important role in your health and should not be overlooked.

The most obvious reason for every member of your family to go to your dentist is the potential medical benefits. Even if you perform proper oral hygiene routines at home, you can still develop medical problems that require intervention. Plaque and decay in hard-to-reach places may create cavities that need fillings. Gum disease can start off as minor gingivitis but worsen into advanced periodontal disease without treatment, and untreated gum disease might put you at higher risk for heart disease or diabetes. A tooth’s interior section called the pulp can become infected and die, eventually risking tooth loss. So skipping your regular dental examinations can have serious medical consequences.

In addition to protecting your health, family dentists keep your smile looking its best. Professional cleanings make your teeth brighter and healthier, and you’ll also likely end up with more self-confidence. At your dental visits, if you have concerns about the appearance of your smile, you can also get information and recommendations about cosmetic dental procedures that might improve your smile even more.

Another benefit of maintaining regular dental checkups is that it can cost you less money in the long run. If you think skipping a visit is financially smart, you’ll also be missing the opportunity to catch problems early and handle them before they reach the stage of expensive oral procedures.

It’s never the best idea to avoid dental care with your family dentist. Schedule and keep your appointments every six months for ideal oral health.

Our dental office is located in Longview

General Dentistry to the Rescue

General Dentistry to the Rescue

Maintaining a healthy, winning smile is easy with the help of general dentistry. People have all kinds of excuses for avoiding dental checkups. Don’t have the time? Advancements in procedures make treatment faster and more efficient, and extended hours allow patients to better fit appointments in their schedules. Too expensive? Many procedures are reasonably priced and most offices offer financial plans. Afraid of the dentist? General dentistry offers options for maintaining patient comfort and minimizing pain.

Once you realize there is no good excuse for skipping dental treatment, you should go for checkups twice a year for optimum care. Prevention is often the key to having the best oral health. Routine checkups identify early warning signs of issues like tooth decay or gum disease, so that problems can be corrected before becoming severe. Thorough examinations, diagnostic tests like X-rays, and regular professional cleanings are all steps to a healthy smile.

General dentists also teach proper hygiene methods so that you can keep your mouth in good shape between checkups. Routine dental care also may prevent harmful bacteria from entering your bloodstream and damaging other parts of your body.

If problems are diagnosed when you visit your dentist, various treatments can be performed to restore your oral health. General dentists treat all kinds of issues and typically offer dental fillings, root canal therapy, extractions, bonding, crowns, dentures and more. If there are procedures that you need that your general dentist doesn’t perform or would prefer you visit a specialist for advanced treatment, you’ll be referred to a qualified and experienced doctor.

General dentistry can make the difference between a dull, damaged, unhealthy smile and one that will look nice and function well for the rest of your life. Don’t hesitate in visiting your dentist regularly for optimum oral health.

Schedule your appointment at our Longview dental office

Why A General Dentist is Key to Excellent Oral Health

Why A General Dentist is Key to Excellent Oral Health

Excellent dental care protects not only your oral health but also your general health. You may think brushing and flossing are enough to keep you safe from decay and disease, but routine care and examinations by a good general dentist are also an important and necessary part of taking care of your oral and general health.

A general dentist plays a vital role in identifying and treating minor problems before they become major ones. The primary focus of a general dentist is preventative care. Several essential services provided by a general dentist include:

  • Treatment of cavities
  • Dental sealants
  • Mouthguards
  • Root canal therapy
  • Scaling and root planing
  • Professional cleaning
  • Examinations and x-rays
  • Tooth extractions
  • Oral cancer screenings

Detecting and treating potential problems early may mean the difference between losing and saving an infected tooth. Caught early, gingivitis or periodontitis can be stopped and treated before becoming more serious problems.

A general dentist can treat your entire family, from the youngest child to the more senior members. It is your general dentist’s responsibility to oversee the diagnosis, treatment and overall coordination of all your dental health needs. Should you require specialized oral care, your general dentist can work with specialty dentists to ensure you receive the best possible care.

To guarantee the longevity of your oral health, look to a qualified general dentist for excellent dental care. A regular schedule of exams and cleanings by your general dentist

We treat patients from Longview and the surrounding area

Regaining Your Confidence through Teeth Whitening

Regaining Your Confidence through Teeth Whitening

Magazine articles often say that a smile reveals a person’s personality. If so, you don’t want to have dull, yellow, stained, dingy teeth! Instead you want a faultless set of pearly whites that communicates the best things about you, such as good hygiene and a confident air.

To transform your smile from dull to brilliant, teeth whitening is a great option. The field of dentistry has developed a whole array of products and procedures for brightening smiles. For example, patients may choose to completely hide their discolored teeth behind dental veneers. Or, tough stains can be covered up with dental bonding. If you’re looking for methods that simply bring your yellowed teeth back to a more appealing shade of white, there are several teeth whitening techniques to choose from:

  • Over-the-counter products are available from your local drugstore including whitening strips, gels, pens, toothpaste, mouth rinses and more. These require consistent use following the directions, and take longer than most other methods. Most products do provide some level of improvement, but not as dramatic as professional methods.
  • Home whitening methods are available from your dentist, such as customized trays that you fill with a special bleaching solution to wear at home for a period of time. At-home whitening typically takes several weeks to achieve desired results.
  • Professional whitening is performed at the dentist’s office using specialized tools. It is the most effective method and results are visible in only about an hour, due to the highly concentrated bleaching solution and enhancement with ultraviolet light or lasers.

Teeth whitening not only brightens your smile but also can shape your entire personality. A common benefit is increased self-confidence because you no longer feel you need to hide your teeth, but instead you tend to smile and laugh and speak more easily. Feelings of embarrassment about your teeth can affect you in many ways, but a smile that you’re proud of can improve the way you interact with others. Ask your dentist about whitening methods that can help you improve both your smile and your personality.

Schedule your appointment at our Longview dental office

Getting Treatment with Sedation Dentistry

Getting Treatment with Sedation Dentistry

Fear can stop come people from doing certain activities, and sometimes it may impact a person’s health and overall wellbeing. One example is visiting the dentist. You might be surprised at the number of people who completely avoid dental care because they are afraid. As a result, sedation dentistry has become a popular way to allow nervous patients to get the necessary treatment without all of the negative vibes.

Sedation dentistry involves administering drugs to help patients relax. There are various levels of sedation available, depending on the patient’s needs, procedures, age, and medical history. Your dentist can help decide which sedation amount and method is most appropriate for you. It ranges from light sedation to simply take the edge off, moderate sedation that renders you unaware but still awake, or deep sedation that practically puts you to sleep throughout treatment.

There are also a variety of methods for sedation dentistry. Oral medications are swallowed, nitrous oxide gas is administered through a mask over your nose, or medications can be given through an intravenous needle directly into your veins. The method is recommended based on each patient’s needs and situation.

Dental sedation manages pain so that you won’t feel anything during treatment. Most patients do not remember much about what occurred while under sedation. That is especially beneficial for patients with dental fears, because they are more willing to return for future appointments since they don’t have any bad memories from the last one.

Sedation is safe and effective when performed by a trained dentist. Make sure that any dentist who administers your dental sedation is qualified and experienced with the techniques. There is no reason to avoid dental checkups and treatment due to fear or anxiety. It is much better to get care to correct problems before they worsen, or head them off before they start. Sedation dentistry enables patients to comfortably and safely obtain treatment and eliminate dental fears.

We treat patients from Longview and the surrounding area