Improving Your Quality of Life with Dental Implants

Improving Your Quality of Life with Dental Implants

By all accounts, missing teeth negatively impacts a person’s quality of life. Smiling, laughing, eating and speaking just aren’t the same when there are holes left by teeth that used to be there. Instead of going through life with missing teeth or uncomfortable dentures, consider the cutting-edge option of dental implants.

An increasingly popular restoration, dental implants are one of the most requested procedures in dentistry. They involve surgically inserting a titanium post directly into the jaw so that it fuses with the bone in a process called osseointegration. Once the area has healed, an artificial tooth is placed on top of the titanium post to provide a fully functional and aesthetically pleasing new tooth.

One of the reasons for the success of dental implants is that they have the edge over the other options because of the benefits. They provide a very long-lasting, durable solution because they literally will last your entire life with proper hygiene and checkups. Implants are a one-time investment in your smile.

Implants do not negatively affect other teeth since placement doesn’t tamper with adjacent teeth. Implants are good for your jawbone because bones require stimulation to maintain strength and density. Your facial structure also benefits when you have a complete set of teeth, instead of ending up with a saggy, unsupported looking face.

Dental implants are both convenient and comfortable. No special care is required, such as with dentures, because normal brushing and flossing is all that’s needed. Implants are securely in place in your mouth and become part of your body; you won’t even realize you have them. You’ll also be able to continue eating the foods you love since no diet restrictions are necessary with implants.

Another great thing about dental implants is they help boost your self-esteem. You’ll enjoy a whole new level of confidence when you can smile, laugh, talk and eat without worrying about missing teeth. If you choose to get dental implants, you can expect your quality of life to improve.

Schedule your appointment at our Longview dental office

Dental Implants: A Reason to Smile

Dental Implants: A Reason to Smile

Dental implants have become the standard of care recommended by dentists for replacing missing or damaged teeth. Compared to other solutions, many patients are finding that dental implants give them a reason to smile.

Dental implants provide a new tooth and root that looks, fits, functions, and feel like a natural tooth. Implants avoid the potential problems associated with some alternatives, such as trouble eating, speaking or laughing.

Dental implants can last a lifetime with proper care, making them outlast most of their counterparts which have a lifespan of up to 10 years.

Patients are able to retain their natural face shape. Missing teeth can make a person’s face look sunken and saggy, but implants allow you to maintain your proper face shape and smile.

Missing teeth may cause jaw bone deterioration or loss, but implants preserve and stimulate the natural bone. The jaw is able to maintain its strength and firmness, protecting your bone structure. Also, neighboring teeth are not affected by dental implants. Healthy adjacent teeth are not damaged and stay exactly where they should be.

Cavities can’t take hold in a dental implant and crown. Proper hygiene and regular checkups should continue to ensure your mouth is healthy, but that particular tooth will not decay.

Dental implants erase the patient’s embarrassment about their smile and give them the confidence to enjoy life again. No more worries about a big space in the smile, and no concerns that the restoration will loosen or fall out like may happen with dentures.

There are no hassles for the patient to alter their diet because implants allow natural biting and chewing. Favorite foods can still be enjoyed with this restoration.

Schedule your appointment at our Longview dental office

Missing Teeth?  Dental Implants Can Change Your Life

Missing Teeth? Dental Implants Can Change Your Life

If your quality of life has been compromised by tooth loss, dental implants may be the answer to your problem. Missing teeth can affect even the most basic daily activities like speaking and eating. If you are looking for a lifetime replacement for a missing tooth, dental implants should be your first choice for restoration.

A dental implant is an appliance that is affixed to the jaw bone and replaces natural teeth by supporting a crown or fixed denture. Once the implant has been placed, bone forms around the implant to make it a stable anchor for a restoration.

Any patient who is missing natural teeth is considered a candidate for implant placement. Just a few of the many reasons you should consider dental implants include:

  • Your desire for a durable and long-term restoration
  • Your desire to restore your facial appearance that has been altered by missing teeth
  • Your desire to eat and speak normally

There are many benefits to dental implants. The placement of dental implants does not require any alteration of adjacent teeth, which is ideal as it preserves your natural tooth structure. Dental implants are cleaned the same way as your natural teeth, allowing you to maintain excellent oral health. Once the implant has been placed, you can eat all your favorite foods and speak without worrying about slipping or breaking.

When you replace a missing tooth with a dental implant, you will enjoy the same function, convenience, and natural look as you have with your other teeth. If you are missing teeth, talk to your dentist about the possibility of dental implants to restore your beautiful, healthy smile.

We treat patients from Longview and the surrounding area

Dental Implants: Why They Are Better

Dental Implants: Why They Are Better

Statistics show that losing natural teeth is still a common occurrence in oral health today. You might be surprised to know that it is estimated that 70% of Americans have lost at least one tooth by middle age. That’s why dentistry has worked hard to come up with an ideal solution as a permanent, comfortable, and attractive way to restore smiles. Dental implants are the answer.

Getting a dental implant consists of having a metal rod, usually made of titanium, surgically inserted into the jaw bone. Once the area has healed from surgery, a crown is typically placed on top to complete the restoration. This procedure results in a very secure and comfortable new tooth that shouldn’t cause problems again.

There’s a long history of other types of tooth replacement options, such as dentures and bridges. Why are dental implants considered to be the preferred choice today?

Appearance – the crown that is placed on top of an implant is aesthetically pleasing, giving you a natural smile.
Tooth preparation – no preparation or reduction to neighboring teeth is necessary with dental implants. The natural tooth structure of existing teeth is preserved.
Comfort – similar to your natural teeth, implants go into your jaw bone. This offers the same comfort and security as real teeth.
Durability – implants are made to last forever. With good care, you can expect them to last the rest of your life.
Diet – there are no dietary restrictions with implants. With dentures and bridges, you might miss out on some foods that could loosen or break your appliance. Implants allow you to eat whatever you’d like.
Maintenance – cleaning implants is the same as cleaning natural teeth. Brushing and flossing is performed normally, and no soaking or external care of appliances is required because the restoration is permanently installed in your mouth.

If you’re looking for a long-term and durable solution for missing teeth, ask your dentist about implants. The success rate is high, and the convenience and comfort can rarely be beaten by other alternatives.

Our dental office is located in Longview

Decreasing Your Fears of General Dentistry

Decreasing Your Fears of General Dentistry

It’s no joke that some people are afraid of going to the dentist. There’s even a word for this fear: dentophobia. It can prevent you from getting preventive care, diagnostic tests, or restorative treatments, all of which are vital in maintaining good oral health. If you suffer from dentophobia, what can you do so that you’re able to visit your general dentist?

The first step is educating yourself about the process. Fear of the unknown may be what’s stopping you from visiting the dentist. Schedule an appointment, get a tour of the office, ask about the equipment being used, and learn about common procedures. Take the time to meet the dentist and staff so that you can obtain a comfort level with the caregivers.

If knowledge isn’t enough to ease your dental fears, ask our general dentist about medications available that will allow you to successfully get treatment without having too much anxiety. Sedation dentistry is offered by many general dentists today, which offers various levels of sedation. Nitrous oxide (or laughing gas), oral medications, or even general anesthesia are often available depending on your needs and concerns.

Many dental offices provide relaxation aids to make patients more comfortable. These may include listening to music through headphones, watching videos, lap blankets to increase comfort, and more. You might also want to invite a friend or family member along as a source of support throughout your appointment. Consider rewarding yourself after a successful appointment by going to lunch afterwards or treating yourself to a favorite item like ice cream or a pedicure.

If your dentophobia still isn’t controlled with these techniques, a professional psychologist may be able to suggest breathing techniques or other relaxation methods to help. Sometimes identifying the root of your fears can help you overcome them as well. The main thing is to figure out a way to be able to visit your general dentist and get the care you need for a healthier smile.

Our dental office is located in Longview

General Dentistry and You

General Dentistry and You

The fact is that the health care provider most people should see the most is their general dentist. Because this branch of healthcare is uniquely targeted at preventing disease and promoting good hygiene, general dentistry can help you avoid oral concerns and maintain a healthy and attractive smile.

General dentists are the most common providers for dental treatment for patients of all ages. Routine dental visits involve examinations, sometimes diagnostic tests, professional cleanings, and discussions about concerns. If your checkup reveals issues that require further treatment, most general dentists perform required procedures. However, your general dentist may refer you to a specialist for complex treatments.

What does a general dentist do? Differing from specialists who focus on a certain area of oral care, general dentists offer a wide variety of services.

  • Preventive services – The goal of preventive dentistry is to stop disease before it has a chance to progress. Regular exams, diagnostic images, and professional cleanings are part of prevention. Proper oral hygiene techniques will also be discussed.
  • Restorative services – Procedures for dental problems falls into this category, including fillings, crowns, gum disease remedies, dentures and more. Some general dentists also offer specialized treatments like root canal therapy and dental implants.
  • Overall oral health services – Some dental problems are reflected in overall health concerns. Diabetes, cardiovascular disease, pregnancy complications and other problems may arise. General dentists can identify issues like these and offer treatment or direct you to the right specialist.
  • Cosmetic services – Many general dentists offer cosmetic treatments such as dental veneers, teeth whitening, bonding, orthodontics and more.

When should you visit your general dentist? Experts recommend getting checkups every six months, or more often if you have an issue that should be addressed like a toothache or gum bleeding. Cosmetic appointments can be made at any time. The main thing is seeing your general dentist regularly so you can benefit from preventive care.

We look forward to seeing you in our Longview dental office