Facial Injuries and Oral Surgery

Facial Injuries and Oral Surgery

There are a number of reasons that dentists or oral surgeons recommend surgery, but facial injuries are probably the most unexpected and alarming cause. Maxillofacial injury, or facial trauma, refers to any injury to the mouth, jaw, and face. Most of these injuries result from sports, car accidents, job accidents, violence, or an accident at home. Let’s learn about oral surgery resulting from facial trauma.

Broken bones are a common type of serious facial injury. Fractures can occur in the upper or lower jaw, cheekbones, palate, and eye sockets. Injuries in these locations may affect vision and the ability to eat, talk, and breathe. Hospitalization is often required for treatment, which is similar to that for fractures in other parts of the body. The bones must be lined up and held in place to allow time to heal them in the correct position. Because casts are not possible in facial injuries, the surgeon may use wires, screws, or plates to treat fractures. Sometimes healing takes as long as six weeks or more.

Even though some facial injuries are worse than others, all of them should be taken seriously. They affect an important area of the body, so it is recommended to seek treatment from an oral surgeon to make sure you receive optimum care. Even if stitches are all that’s required, it’s best to have them performed by an oral surgeon who can place them exactly as needed to produce the best results.

It’s no surprise that the best solution for facial injuries is to prevent them in the first place. Oral surgeons suggest consistent use of mouth guards, seat belts, and masks and helmets as required. Improvements have been made to safety gear to make these items more comfortable and efficient, so there should be no excuses for not using them to protect yourself and avoid injuries that can lead to oral surgery.

We treat patients from Longview and the surrounding area

Are Dental Implants Worth It?

Are Dental Implants Worth It?

Some patients wonder if dental implants are the best choice for their missing teeth. The time and effort dental implants take can be off-putting to some patients. If you’re wondering if dental implants are really worth it, there are many factors for you to consider.

Dental implant treatment takes a relatively long period of time to complete as well as to completely heal when compared to other tooth replacement options, such as a bridge. The planning process is far more involved than in other missing tooth replacement plans. The materials utilized with dental implants take more time to create in a dental lab and require greater skill and attention than other lab-created tooth replacements.

Dental implants are much stronger than other tooth replacement options, and will last years or even decades longer. When compared to a dental bridge which lasts an average of 14 years, a dental implant can last up to 30 years.

Sometimes, if insufficient bone is present to provide the necessary support for the implant, bone from elsewhere in the body might be grafted onto the existing bone. A dental implant must heal completely before any pressure is put on the new artificial tooth roots. This can take up to three months. After this time, the tooth portion of the dental implant is applied.

Dental implants are the strongest, best choice for a patient with a missing tooth. They rarely fracture and never decay. As opposed to a dental bridge that necessitates the removal of some of your natural tooth structure, a dental implant preserves adjacent teeth and allows patients the most natural, ideal choice for tooth replacement.

Dental implant candidates who are willing to be patient and plan for the future can experience the benefits these restorations have to offer. Talk to your dentist if you want to explore your options for replacing one or more missing teeth.

Our dental office is located in Longview

Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants?

Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants?

People are talking about dental implants. They’re talking about what a secure, longterm solution they are for patients with missing teeth and how successful they are for dental patients of all types. Are you wondering if you’re a candidate for dental implant treatment? The answer is yes, you probably are!

The one factor that’s a must for being a dental implant candidate is that you must have a missing tooth. The AAOMS (American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons) estimates that as many as 70% of all adults have lost a minimum of one adult tooth. If you are among this group and you have a missing tooth, you’re a candidate for dental implants. Some patients are better suited to this particular treatment, however, so making an informed decision regarding your particular tooth replacement is vital.

The healthier you are, the more successful your dental implant surgery will be. Some health conditions and diseases should be strongly factored into whether or not dental implants are the best tooth replacement option. Patients with the following conditions may experience difficulty in the fusing of implant and bone:

  • Smoking
  • Cancer
  • Radiation to the jaws or face
  • Diabetes
  • Drug or alcohol dependency
  • Acute gum disease/periodontitis

Typically, a tooth is lost due to an accident, tooth decay, advanced gum disease or a failed root canal treatment. Even though the cause of the tooth’s loss might be through poor oral health, the healthier your mouth and surrounding teeth are, the more successful a dental implant will be.

Because the health of the bone is directly related to the strength of the fusion of the bone to implant, patients with healthier bones will have more successful experiences with dental implants. Maintain a diet high in calcium and other bone-nourishing nutrients and drink plenty of fluids.

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What’s the Difference Between Dental Implants and Mini Dental Implants?

What’s the Difference Between Dental Implants and Mini Dental Implants?

Many patients seeking the stability and durability of dental implants wonder what the difference is between mini implants or standard sized dental implants. The basic differences are with regard to their intended function.

A standard dental implant is larger than 3 millimeters in diameter and is made up of two parts: the screw and the abutment. The screw portion of a dental implant is made of titanium, a non-toxic metal well tolerated by the body. The success of all dental implants is due to this bio-compatibility. Materials that aren’t tolerated by the body can create a response by the immune system and may lead to serious problems over time.

With a standard implant, the screw has two threaded areas: external, to screw into the bone and internal, to accommodate any components that are screwed into the implant for security. This internal area provides for the abutment. It is on this abutment that the tooth portion of a dental implant is attached. It also holds dentures firmly in place.

A mini dental implant is smaller than 3 millimeters in diameter and has one solid piece instead of screw and abutment. A mini implant has a solid screw body with a rounded ball shape that extends out of the jawbone. This rounded ball can hold a denture with a corresponding slot, keeping the restoration firmly in place.

Because they are smaller, mini implants provide less support than a standard implant. For example, four mini implants would be needed to hold a patient’s lower dentures in place securely. For the same job, only two standard sized implants would suffice.

Consult your dentist to determine if mini implants or standard implants are right to address your missing tooth or teeth. Get the right implant for your specific needs.

Our dental office is located in Longview

The Role of Dental Implants in a Smile Makeover

The Role of Dental Implants in a Smile Makeover

Are you getting a smile makeover? Do you have one or more missing teeth? Your cosmetic dentist will definitely want to replace those teeth during your smile makeover in order to prevent future problems. Issues may result from your teeth shifting to fill the empty spaces that can affect the overall shape of your face. One of the best and most desirable options for tooth replacement is dental implants.

Dental implants are the top-of-the-line choice for tooth replacement. They are the most like natural teeth in both form and in function. No one will know by looking at you that your tooth is an implant, and you might not even be able to tell it yourself when you’re eating! A dental implant is so secure, it can feel just like your natural tooth.

There are two main parts to a dental implant: the screw base and the tooth restoration. The screw-like base is typically made of titanium. This gives it incredible strength and longevity. The implant is placed directly into the bones of the jaw where it begins to function as a natural tooth root. Over time, oseointegration will occur and the implant will fuse with the bone. The tooth portion of the implant is created in a lab where dental artists are careful to replicate the surface texture and translucency of your natural teeth.

Dental implants can also be used to anchor dentures. Because they’re so strong, they give the dentures a stability that adhesives and suction can’t ever provide. Denture-wearers will never have to deal with embarrassing slipping or clacking again when dental implants are utilized with their dentures.

Consult your cosmetic dentist to see what role dental implants can play in your smile makeover. Begin enjoying your new smile as soon as possible.

Schedule your appointment at our Longview dental office

Reasons General Dentistry is Important

Reasons General Dentistry is Important

It’s easy to put off a trip to the dentist if you’re not experiencing any pain or noticeable issues. Maybe it’s inconvenient in your busy schedule, maybe you don’t want to spend the money, or maybe you experience anxiety about dental visits. None of these are good enough reasons to forego proper dental care so that you ensure a healthy mouth and attractive smile.

Having regular checkups with your general dentist is important for a variety of reasons. Probably the most beneficial reason is to catch problems early, before they have time to become serious and negatively impact your oral health. Cavities and gum disease are both examples of issues that can wreak havoc in your mouth if left untreated, but if handled quickly they may disappear with as little as a fluoride treatment or change in your hygiene routine. Avoiding treatments like fillings, crowns, or root canals – not to mention the associated costs to your wallet and your schedule – are great reasons to see your dentist every six months!

Another benefit of regular checkups is a brighter, more beautiful smile. Even the best dental hygiene at home can’t reach every bit of plaque or tartar that accumulates on your teeth. Professional cleanings eliminate buildup to give you a more appealing smile, as well as removing harmful and stinky bacteria from your mouth.

Your overall health also reaps the rewards of consistent dental care. Oral problems can impact your general health through things like introducing dangerous bacteria into your body that can spread and cause various health risks. Also, your dentist may notice signs of health issues you might not realize, such as cancers or diseases or nutritional deficiencies.

Make your smile a priority and visit your general dentist regularly. Don’t let excuses get in the way of receiving the rewards dentistry has to offer.

We treat patients from Longview and the surrounding area